21 Jun Silica – the next asbestos?
This report from The All Party Parliamentary Group for Respiratory Health in association with B&CE Holdings Ltd, has been published...
This report from The All Party Parliamentary Group for Respiratory Health in association with B&CE Holdings Ltd, has been published...
Breathe Freely is a BOHS initiative aimed at reducing occupational lung disease in the UK, which causes significant debilitating ill-health...
SHEP member BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) has a dedicated webpage which provides advice to employers on the selection of...
Download the matrix here. This matrix was developed through the CONIAC (Construction Industry Advisory Committee) Working Group which is affiliated with...
Although the CDM regulations have been in force since March 1995, there is still widespread lack of knowledge, misunderstanding and...
These links provide a wide range of information that SHEP members may find useful: HSE Manufacturing Sector Plan: https://www.hse.gov.uk/foi/internalops/og/og-00122.pdf ...
Good Practice Guide for Safe Handling and Disposal of Metalworking Fluids: http://www.ukla.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/UKLA-HSE-Good-Practice-Guide-for-Safe-Handling-and-Disposal-of-Metalworking-Fluids.pdf ...
The Construction Industry Coronavirus Forum (CICV) is a collective of trade and professional bodies gathering intelligence, sharing advice and speaking...
Metalworking Fluid Control COSHH Essentials Sheets: www.hse.gov.uk/metalworking/ecoshh.htm ...
Welding Fume Control COSHH Essentials Sheets: Click here. ...